I woke up Monday morning to my Facebook feed being flooded with Pray for Isaac. The first post I just happened to see was from my former professor, and I wondered, “How does she know this young man?” I mean, I know that young man, although, I haven’t seen him since he grew up due to the fact that life has taken me all over South Carolina.
I may not know Isaac since he has grown up, but I do know his family. His mom is very dear to me, and she is such a sweet sister in Christ. I was fortunate to have her here loving on my father while I was teaching across the state before I was able to bring him with me. She looked after him and prayed over him, and he was always happy when he could go and get his hair cut.
Isaac was in a severe car accident early Monday morning. People across the state have been praying for him. He is currently stable, which is good, but he still has a long way to go for recovery. I’m not sure of any details, but his recovery process reminds me a lot of my son’s. Not the accident. Not the recovery itself. The power of prayer.
You see, prayer works. When God’s people pull together to speak healing into existence, prayer works. We believe in manifestation of good in our lives, but God is the ultimate in manifestation. He spoke the world into creation. We only need the faith of a tiny mustard seed to move mountains and manifest things into existence in our lives. When we compile the prayer and faith of others, that tiny seed grows, and we can move worlds, not just mountains.
Continue to pray for Isaac and his family. The recovery is a long one. He was a senior football player, and this means that football will take a detour in his senior year. Pray for God’s healing.
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